Monday, December 22, 2014

oh my darlings.

Last week was a blur. This weekend was a blur. Life, it seems, is a blur. I swear time has sped up, which makes no sense at all, but I am sticking by my opinion. This whole month flew by! How are we at the week of Christmas? 

Yesterday Steve was asking Squísh and Erik what they'd want for Christmas if they had a million dollars. Erik said he wanted a BMX bike. Steve said he could by an endless supply of BMX bikes, so Erik decided on a Ford Raptor. (He loves wheels and trucks.) Squísh thought about it for a minute and said "If I had a hundred and six monies, I'd buy a really big, real-life bunny." Right now Squísh loves bunnies. And ponies. And dolphins. And occasionally lizards. (It depends on the day.) She loves her Em too. (Almost daily she tells me that she really likes our Em, and then follows it up with "LET'S KEEP HER!")

Merry Christmas Week! I'm hoping it goes well. (Yesterday Robs woke up sick. Again. I cloroxed everything. Again. I'm crossing my fingers, saying my prayers and I've set three alarms to remind me to wash the pirates hands at least three times daily... In between all the festivities, travels, dinners and celebrations.) I love Christmas! 


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