Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Break Wednesday!

On Wednesday I woke up terribly ill... once again. But when Em decided to take a nap at nine in the morning, Steve took the pirates to Target to pick up a couple things we'd forgotten to pack. Em and I slept while they shopped for diapers, graham crackers, and fruit snacks. (All essential.) When we woke up an hour later, Em looked like a million bucks (but she always does), and I felt better than I had in three days. It was a vacation miracle! 

So we drove just a few minutes outside of St. George to Snow Canyon and played in the sand dunes. It was so fun - and so gorgeous. The red rock in the background is such an unreal, yet completely real back drop! We ran from peak to peak. Robs and Erik made a slide, we dug holes with sticks and we buried a most unfortunate bug. It was so nice to be outdoors and warm - and doing something we'd never done before. 

But noon came, the pirates got hungry, and all that sand got them thinking about water... 

The pirates spent the afternoon jumping in, diving for my watch (we couldn't find the horse) and swimming from side to side. Robs taught herself to flip forwards and backwards, and then showed Erik who caught onto a forward flip within minutes. My Squísh was happy to stay by the stairs. It was simple. It was just us. And it was so. much. fun.

After several hours of swimming and dinner, we walked around the St. George temple with the pirates. As we walked towards the temple I told Squísh it was Heavenly Father's house... and the look that crossed her eyes made me smile. I could see her mind working to understand - and at her age, the belief in our Heavenly Father is so literal. I love it. 

On Tuesday I'd heard news of something terribly sad that affected a friend of one of my friends. I tried to stay cheery, but my heart couldn't help but grieve with the family. It was wonderful to walk around the temple with my pirates - knowing that it actually was Heavenly Father's house. And that Heavenly Father actually lives. And that families are eternal. It was a quiet, beautiful place where I could contemplate my own literal faith in Heavenly Father - while bouncing my baby and loving my family. (I loved this Wednesday.)


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