Thursday, September 29, 2011


After sending Robs to school, I take the remaining two pirates for a five mile run.
The weather is finally becoming bearable again.
The birds are singing, 
the grass is green, the sky is blue...

And sometimes I can't remember what season I'm in.

For example: 
After spending five miles in the great outdoors, 
and I had the thought, 
"I looooove Springtime."

But it didn't make sense, so I had to think it through.
1. We're at the end of summer.
2. Robs is in school... 
3. It must be Fall.

I remember having the same thoughts two years ago.
Only Robs wasn't in school, and Enriqueface was a baby.
Now we have Squísh, and Fall still makes me feel like it's Spring.
I can't believe it's been two years.

P.S. Enrique calls Steve's shoes Sharkadarks.
He was ecstatic to find a matching pair.


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