Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In the whole world.

I stumbled across the best little treasure I have ever found in my life, to date.
And it lights up.

It was lumped in with the other library donations, and no one knew where it belonged- 
so I asked if I could keep it...
...and then it was mine!
(And then I did a back handspring and a front handspring.) 

I have been looking for one of these for years!
The nice ones go on ebay for much more than I'm willing to pay, 
and I've never seen one available in retail.

It's so lovely.

Now when my pirates are misbehaving, 
and I give them a count to three before sending them to North Korea... 
...they'll at least be able to find it on the map.

Lovely and functional.


  1. so cool!!! I love maps, especially the globe kind. ESPECIALLY the light up globe kind. You're such a rad mom.

  2. "I once asked my father when he knew he loved my mother. He said "Lucy, your mom gave me the world." Actually, it was a globe with a light inside it. But the romantic he was it might has well have been the world." - While you were Sleeping

    Love the movie, love the globe, love that you have one. So cool.

  3. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that you quoted that movie! And as lame as it sounds... I have loved them ever since I saw that film!
