Monday, April 18, 2011

When Steve and I were first married,
we'd walk the tree streets of Provo and make plans for our future-somedays.

Our house would have this feature, our garage would be facing this way,
our front yard would be landscaped similar to that...

You get the idea, right?

On one specific walk, as we were turning a corner, we saw a couple come out of their house. They had an attractive volvo wagon parked in the driveway.
With a canoe on top.

And I'm 83% sure it's my imagination...
but I remember the sun was even at that angle where everything looks
shimmery, glimmery and perfect.

We watched as they hopped in the car and drove off, obviously to some grand adventure.

Because where else would a handsome couple take a volvo with a canoe on top?

Ever since then, we've tossed the joke around... that everything will be perfect, eventually... someday...

When, of course my hair is long,
so I can toss my flowing locks into the slight breeze,
as we exit our attractive little bungalow,
and our little family hops into that perfect volvo,
with our canoe, of course, securely fastened on top.
And head off on some, no doubt, great adventure.

Shimmery, glimmery, perfect... right?

Right. Until reality chuckles and says something like... "Face."

Last week I was pulling weeds.
We have these bushes that line the front of the house,
that were starting to be over-run with vines.
So I put on some gloves and took care of them.
It was nice outside, Robs and Erik were content and playing nicely...
Mae was asleep.
I was soaking up the sun...

Shimmery, glimmery, perfect...

And then I started to wonder what I had been pulling out of the bushes for the past hour or so.
And then I remembered the one qualifier of a poisonous plant in Louisiana.
It must be green.
And then I corralled the children inside, (non-contact type corralling, of course)...
And then I scrubbed off my top layer of skin with strong soap and water,
and burned my clothes.
Saying silent little prayers that those tricky little vines were not poisonous.

But now, I am covered in what I will call poison something...
Because it was green.

Moral of the story?
Shimmery, glimmery, and perfect can really happen anywhere- but if we are going to spend more time in Louisiana than what is absolutely necessary,
I might invest in one of these.


  1. Oh, my. Bless your heart, in the most sincere way. Poison ivy? I'm so sorry. I love your sense of humor, though. A Hazmat suit in Lousyanna would be a good idea :)

  2. I'm so sorry steens! Remember "Leaves of 3, let it be, Leaves of 5, let it thrive" or my personal favorite: I'm not touching anything vine-y.

  3. um your blog makes me smile. We totally have that growing through our deck. With all things Louisianaish I just wait till tony gets home and stay away in the mean time. Oh i miss not being afraid of you.

  4. Agree! I too need a Hazmat keep ants and mold away

  5. i loved this. and i love you! i sometimes think of that shimmery lifestyle that will never really come. great reminder that it's all about enjoying the here and now.
