Tuesday, February 1, 2011



We've been homebodies the past couple weeks.

Robs and Erik don't seem to care.
I think its mostly me.

So tonight after dinner, I volunteered to pick up milk and toilet paper.

We were down to a tablespoon and one roll.

Before I left I had to convince Erik I would come back.
And assure Robs I would be the one to put her to bed.
Mae was sound asleep.

And then I left-
to a chorus of "goodbyes" and "love you's"
(Being a mother is lovely.)
and 45 minutes later I came back,

Mae was screaming.
Robs was tied in knots because Erik had relentlessly tried to drain the water during their bath.
And since Mae was hungry and I was gone, Robs figured the only option left for our sweet little Mae was starvation.
And that thought was entirely too vexing for her sweet little soul.

Erik was fine. He was focused on the toy turtle Robs had in her hand.
And could focus on nothing else until he had it in his own.

Steve was quiet.

So I took Mae from Steve.
She quieted down.
And then we...
Soothed Robs troubled soul.
Figured out how to share the turtle.
Put the milk in the refrigerator.
Read some scriptures.
Said a prayer.
Told a story.
Sang some songs.
And sent Robs and Erik to dreamland.

I have to say... my 45 minute trip for milk and toilet paper was lovely.

But it was even more lovely to come back to reality.
Even with everything...
My reality is enchanting.


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