Monday, September 10, 2012

Chicago, Part 2

Early Friday morning, my sisters grabbed a cab to the University of Chicago. 
All the touristy spots in Chicago are vacant in the early hours... it was nice.

Chicago has loud and busy, but it also has calm and quiet. 
For example: this garden. I loved the stone walkway.

Thursday night we paused to watch a performance at this amphitheater- 
our weekend in Chicago just happened to coincide with the 34th Annual Jazz Festival. 
Saturday morning, as we ran towards the lake, we saw a group practicing Tai Chi. 

Navy Pier in the morning is completely quiet, except for the runners. 
During business hours it's packed with people.

And the view was pretty impressive- I do love a good skyline.

Afterwards, Dave and I sat down to a delicious breakfast 
(I've made it almost every morning since...) 
and scoped out a restaurant we planned on trying...

Some of the buildings looked more like sculptures than skyscrapers.

The Water Tower, I learned, was one of the few buildings to survive the Chicago fire. 
And the Cathedrals were GORGEOUS.

Dave and I sat in this one for a while and looked through their Book of Prayers.

And then I found American Girl Place. Dave refused to come in at first... but I convinced him. And then I convinced him to hold his favorite doll  Molly while I took a photo. And then as fate would have it... the shoulder bag he was carrying made it look like he had Molly in a Baby Bjorn. And then I died laughing. All in that order too.

So to make up for it we went into a couple man stores too... and then met up with Jen and Shelle.

We'd saved several stores to explore once they'd finished THE TWIN STUDY. 
Chicago has the best shopping I have ever experienced. Ever.

And then... when we'd walked approximately twelve million miles, we retreated to the hotel 
with delicious food, ate until we could eat no more, and slept like babies.


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