Friday, August 10, 2012

Foto Friday: Week 49

It's kind of hard to believe there are only three more weeks left in our fifty-two.  (Time is a funny thing.)  The theme this week is BROKEN. And I kept half expecting something to break- because it seems when I think about something, I tend to find it. At the beginning of the week Erikboy had a hurt foot. He refused to walk (broken?) but a good night sleep and an Ace-Bandage-placebo-wrap helped everything. I was relieved when the only thing that kept showing up broken was Erikboy's bike chain. The pirate rides his bike so hard! It kept happening all week long too- he'd ride to the end of the street and lose his chain. He'd ride to the park, and lose his chain. He'd ride through the gravel... and lose his chain, and then have to walk his bike home to have it fixed. It was kind of amusing... in a rite-of-childhood-sort-of-way.  

Kristyn     Meg     Hilary     Rosemary


  1. I love feet and hands so of course I love this picture. Priceless! Who wouldn't want to remember those things? I think Steve's hands look like Dad's. That's kind of cool :) and I'm glad that's all that's broken this week...
