Monday, October 17, 2011


Thanks for your comments!
I love comments... and although I didn't mean to keep everyone guessing- 
I guess I did.

We're moving to Utah just in time for October to end, and November to begin.
My pirates are going to freeze their eyepatches off.

The move and the change happened so fast! 
One minute we were planning for November, and the very next minute, 
we were planning a move. 
I could practically see the Lord's hand as he scooted the next part of our lives West.

There were millions of details that had to fall into place- 
and it only took a few landing right where they needed to 
before it was so clear. 

I love it when things are clear. 
And I love seeing the Lord's hands in things.

(I love how clear being a mama is too...
Pirates make the world wonderful.)


  1. Yay for Utah! Apparently I am way more likely to visit you in Utah than when you live two states away from me ... Hee hee. I've loved being long distance neighbors, though. Good luck with the move girl!

  2. YAYYYYYY!!!! Congratulations, I am so happy for you. All of the talk of bugs makes my skin crawl. And then the rash...HURRY and get out west. Congratulations again. :)
