Sunday, March 27, 2011

We gave Mae a name and a blessing today...

(It was mostly a blessing, though...
Seeing as the name has been happening for a couple months.)

It was lovely, and sweet, and filled with things like good health and a love of knowledge.

I tried to will something about millions of dollars, but it didn't happen.

Instead, we filled an entire row with nothing but family.
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews...

It was rich.


  1. soooooo sad we weren't there too. from the small glimpse of the dress on her, it looks like it fits just right! thinking about you today...

  2. Beautiful picture! I want you to be my personal photographer.

  3. She is so beautiful! She looks so much like little Robin. I love all of your blog posts, they are so perfectly worded :) Congrats to Mae on her big day!

  4. I get all gooey and mushy when I see that picture. I am so PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! *sniff*!

