Friday, March 4, 2011

This week I've spent significantly more time in one single room of our house.
And currently?
I am at exactly the same place I was on Monday.

As it turns out, our Number Two... is not as simple as Number One was...

(Oh the pun... not intended, but so fitting!!!)
Any suggestions?


  1. I love you! You totally made me laugh out loud with that picture of Jessie. I have no suggestions. I've heard of people using stickers and candy, but honestly, how that makes a person remember when/how to use the facilities I don't know. I guess, though, if it works, it works.

  2. Christine, I believe you are my giveaway winner! Let me know if it is you, I hope so. Love your blog posts and photography

  3. oh. the shame. I posted the wrong e-mail. here's the correct one. whoever has the other account is wonder what the heck is going on. so sorry. insert very red face here.

  4. I've heard boys are hard. But you know, I just hate potty training in general. I stunk at it, apparently, and am not even sure how in the world Elena came to be potty trained. The only suggestions I have are to be consistent and ready for the long haul. Someone told me once that becoming potty trained is like any other physical milestone (ie walking, crawling, etc.) and children won't achieve it until they are ready no matter how they are coerced, threatened, punished, begged. When they're ready, they'll make the switch. So. I'm sure you're doing all the right things already. He'll get it :)
