Monday, February 1, 2010

We have a little museum
around the corner and down the street.

It's walking distance... and it's lovely.

On our visit last week,
Margaret Ann {the generous curator}
gave us each a couple strands of genuine Mardi Gras beads.

One of ours had a medallion.

An aquamarine medallion
that read
"Mardi Gras New Orleans 1979"
{In gold lettering.}

31 years or vintage appeal?

It's hard to tell.
I've heard plastic ages phenomenally well.


  1. Dear Christine,

    how do you decide which photos to print and put up in your house. Because each photo that you take is print worthy. How do you do it. You have a talent and you are amazing.

  2. Dear Alyson,

    You are much too kind. But thank you for the compliment. I have to send one right back at you.

    Those pictures you take... simply amazing. You are incredible!

  3. Dear Alyson and Christine,

    I wish I had half the talent that you ladies have. You're BOTH amazing!!

  4. You sure have cute kids! Hope you're enjoying life there...Looks like you are! We just posted on our family's blogsite (that we share with Aaron's siblings)-
    Not sure when we'll post again, unlike the amazing Christine, but maybe this will tie the Grandparents over until we can see them next. We love your blog posts! Your photography skills are excellent and your children are so photogenic, so you're a great match!

  5. I cannot believe Bobs is going to be 4 this year!!
