Monday, September 21, 2009

What if...

What if...
I had named my first child Ana...

...and my second child Luis?

...and what if we spoke Spanish instead of English?

'Luis y Ana'
It would have been perfect.

... speaking of Luis y Ana.
We're driving there at the end of this week.

And "Luis" is teething.
...light a candle for us.


  1. okay first.... i LOvE YOUR haIR! And second.... WOW! Louisiana! You guys are gonna have such an adventure there! We'll keep you in our prayers for a safe trip and a smooth transition.

  2. I love that picture!!! Congratulations on the job offer :-)

  3. I SECOND the hair cut. I thought from the marathon picks but seriously cute. I was wondering where you were going with the Luis y Ana, you are so funny. Congratulations. It will definitely be an adventure.

  4. We love your blog! So poetic and picuresque!
