Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Bald Debut.

We shaved his hair and then took photos.

(Miss Boots posed herself.)

What can I say. Big hair is in, sleek is out.

Steph (My brother's wife) is here this week, and we've had FABULOUS weather. It was hot today! So we took advantage of the Fall photo-op. We started out kind of late, so there were more out takes than there were actual takes- but the ones we did get are amazing.

And Enrique makes a cute bald pirate.


  1. Such cute pictures - I love Robyn's boots! Did you shave Erik's head?? He is cute either way! :)

  2. I really love the sideways picture, it's so cute!

  3. Oh my goodness! I love your little family. These pictures are adorable even if you feel like they are out takes. I especially like the last one! Cute cute cute!

  4. What a cute family you have! I love those pictures. They looks so great I would have guessed you took them Christine!

  5. These are SO great! I love all the blue eyes!!!

  6. Thanks for sharing the cuteness :) Jonathan says "Hi Steve!"

  7. i am so glad you did the family picture thing finally. the colors of clothing are great and that last photo especially is darling!!! what a frame-worthy pic, to say the least...cute fam :)
