Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I forget things one day after they happen. I think it might be the sleep deprivation. Or having so many details in my mind all partying together. Or it might be my old age. But all of it together makes me grateful for writing. 

Yesterday night, Em hardly slept a wink. She spent the wee hours of the morning telling me exactly how she didn't like the situation. It was mostly because I was too exhausted to get up and walk around with her - so I laid next to her until she fell asleep at two o' clock in the morning. 

Miraculously, we got the pirates to school on time. 

And then Squísh had to get immunizations. From the time we dropped off the pirates to the time we walked into the office, we discussed what she could say to the doctor. In general she stonealls anyone she doesn't want to talk to, but this time she tried her best - and did so well! Everything was dandy, until I told her she was going to get four shots, not just the one she'd decided upon. (Her face fell.) But whilst the nurse was preparing the shots we talked it through - and that brave, tiny little pirate found just enough courage and let me know she could do four. (She let me know she didn't want to, but that seeing as she had to - she would handle it.) For the first and second shots her face didn't even flinch. I was watching her eyes and talking. But the third one hurt, and her head dropped into my chest. For the fourth one she was crying, but it was over so quick and I held her so tight! I know immunizations are such little things... but I swear, it's moments like these that I get a peek into the souls and character of my pirates. And I can't help it... I balloon with pride. 

Afterwards we went to get cookies. But it was short lived, cause the chickie's arms hurt.

So we came home and cleaned up. I put Em down for a nap, and found Squísh sleeping in the sunspot on my bed. (It's got to be the best place to take a nap in this whole world.)

I'm in the business of raising amazing people. And I love my job. Amen.


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