Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I tried to write a blog last night for almost an hour. It didn't work. Yesterday was kind of a crazy day. Our auto refused to start and it was raining. Robs' school was having a Field Day. I'd done yard work on Saturday and had a load of yard-everything that I needed to take to the dump, I needed to do a workout, and I had to get our auto started because we had an appointment at the mechanic. And that was all before nine o' clock in the morning.

But then a friend of ours called (she didn't know about our stubborn vehicle) and suggested we carpool. I accepted. Robs had a rainy field day, but enjoyed jumping rope in the gym and came home smiling with a painted butterfly. My sisters showed up at my house, the clouds parted and the heavens smiled long enough for us to take everything to the dump. (I saw some creepster at the dump checking my sister out and I got a good laugh.) And three minutes before five o' clock the mechanic called to say he couldn't find a single thing wrong with our auto. Which makes me think yesterday went ahead and resolved itself.

And this morning I packed Robs' very last first-grade lunch. We are so excited.


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