Thursday, April 19, 2012


At one point today I was at a loss... We were halfway through a smoothie and Robs was sobbing and throwing words around. Enriqueboy was grinning while Squish was silently perched on the counter until Robs finished, and then she started in. It was a bit much and I couldn't think of what to do- so I took Squish and excused myself. I went to a far corner and called my mother.

"Mother" I said, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"You're doing fabulous" she said.

"No. I'm not. I have no idea what I'm doing, and that's not fabulous."

I think she laughed and then listened while I explained the scene in detail. Five minutes later the pirates found me, so I let her go with a thank-you-for-your-sage-wisdom and I took Robs' cheeks in my hands. I looked into her giant blue eyes and she held up her empty cup of what had been a strawberry smoothie. I smooched her, rinsed out the cup, and we went on with our day.

It turned out to be fabulous and we got a lot done.

The older I get, the more I love my mother.


  1. I love this times a million. I feel this way everyday.

  2. me too me too me too. and I wish a hundred times a week that I could go back to teenage me and smack me across the face and say "listen to her, will ya!"

  3. i love this so much. made me cry. its true though, those days that it comes full circle and you realize your mom raised 6 of those kids! i think good moms have these days. moms who think they are perfect at it, are usually not. ;)
