Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My pirates grow too fast.

Last night Steve and I were putting the pirates to sleep. 
Robs and Enriqueboy were jumping around the pushed-together beds. 

Squísh was crawling and squealing-
Every now and then she'd get stuck in the twin sized canyon
and need a rescue.

Steve was reading the scriptures.
He'd read a passage, and have Enriqueboy quote it back. 
My second pirate does real well, but when the words get beyond him- 
he makes his own.

And it makes me laugh.
Because most of the time when he's making up the word, 
he's also jumping on the bed, 
or landing in the covers, 
or crashing over my shoulder.

And then once I start laughing, 
Robs starts laughing- and Steve loses his game face altogether. 

And then we have this giant mess of heavenly irreverence.


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