Monday, January 9, 2012

life lessons.

Most of the time 
Enriqueboy does not enjoy going to church.
Which I can understand because I can remember feeling the same way.
He doesn't like crowds of people. 
He doesn't like new situations.
He doesn't like his church shoes, 
and he'd rather play trucks. 

But church is kind of a big thing to us-
so to get him dressed I start with bribery and end with nuclear weaponry.

Last Sunday was an anomaly.  
He had a picture to give his teacher- 
which meant he was happily ready with 20 minutes to spare. 

Hoping for the best, we let him draw a picture again yesterday.
When he was finished, Steve asked him what his colored lines said.

And I quote...
"I am not going to church and I am also not going to Primary, 
and I am not going to talk to my friends."

I prefer a strong will than no will at all.
Lucky for both of us he got ready minutes before we left.


Sometimes when my head gets too big and I go thinking I have a good solid grip on life...
...I'm reminded that I really do not.

I'm on a steep learning curve with parenting my pirates.
I'm learning more about mortgages and interest rates- 
but the grand total is still hovering right around a zero percent. 
I forget to email people back,
I try hard and fail even harder
and if it weren't for Steve we'd have clean laundry about once a week.

...just saying...

1 comment:

  1. the ironic thing is that if you ever did realize the influence and power for good you have even when you do forget emails, can't afford a mortgage and dress your kids in dirty laundry, by just being who you already are, you would be speechless. we need more mothers who know the difference between strong will and a will that needs to be broken. and who let their kids be kids. and openly admit when it's time for a family time out. you're doing great things.
