Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Catherine and Quentin got married! 
It was sunny and forty five with clear blue skies. 
It was also January- and as close to perfect as January can get.

They wed...
(They're fabulous.)
We celebrated.
We sent them on their way.

It was also the fastest weekend of my life.

On Saturday after doing lots of hair, I promised 
Enriqueboy a new toy so he'd wear his sweater vest.
I also wore a green cardigan and a brown dress with purple boot socks- 
only to realize (too late) that I'd have to take the darling boots off... 
We had tons of food at the reception... but the meatballs were the most delicious.
I had six of them while I fed Squísh a banana and edited photos before the party began.
Catherine and Quentin planned to welcome guests for an hour,
and then wander about.
Instead they welcomed guests for two hours,
and decided not to wander- due to the standing room only conditions.
I was impressed.
There's a zillion more details- 
but they all came together nicely.

Thank Heavens.
It was quite the day.

"Quite the days" make for good life stories
...so I've learned.

Maybe I'll write that next to my name in their guest book.
...I still have to sign in.


  1. Gorgeous!!!!

    dumb question - did you do the photos?

    I'm seriously thinking about offering my girlies a fat wad of cash should they choose to not have a giant wedding reception, and instead opt for a sweet and simple ceremony followed by a luncheon at a fabulous restaurant of their choice. Because the stress. Oh the stress. I'm so glad you all got to be together. What fast and furious fun!

  2. and again. GORgeous. I love you Brodegards and your sparkly smiles!!! :) :) :)

  3. Thank you! I feel the same- I'm convinced on the sweet and simple wedding.

  4. The wedding was not only sweet and simple, but extraordinary too. The pictures are great too! Loved being a part of the celebration.
