Thursday, January 29, 2009


Yesterday we bought a kitchen table and six chairs. (One day I will find Mr. Craig of said Craigslist, and thank him profoundly for what he started.) However- the table was not going to fit in our red car. No matter what we tried. Which is where the cookies come in.

We made some delicious cookies, and offered them to our favorite neighbor, Tom, in exchange for a little bit of his time and his truck. It went down without a hitch. The only problem was that I made three dozen cookies and gave Tom a cute little plate of eight. If I were wishful thinking, perhaps I could stretch it to ten: and now there are no more. 


  1. Niiiiice. I love it! We did the same thing once, but we needed our AC fixed. It's the way to go, in my opinion.

    Those cookies sound delicious!

  2. I am so glad things are going so well for you guys. I have been thinking about you lots, and have been meaning to call. Anyway, your kids look darling as always, and we sure miss you!!!
